This Labor Day weekend is the 6th Annual Susquehanna Balloon Festival in Neahwa Park, Oneonta, New York.  Hot air balloons will launch "on the sixes", 6am and 6pm from Friday evening to Sunday morning. Be sure to schedule your ride.  On Friday evening, join Body By Stacy for the Family Fun Labor Day Team Challenge

Families, be prepared for awesome, fun challenges like wheel barrel races, tug of war, a "goo" walk, baseball slams , and more!  You can register a head of time or that day.  Stacy Mitchell, Body By Stacy, tells us how to register and more:

Enjoy free musical entertainment on Saturday evening starting at 6pm sponsored by First Night Oneonta.  Then at 8pm, the beautiful balloon glow.  Sunday morning will wrap up the event with scheduled balloon rides at 6am.  Food, entertainment, and hot air balloons.  Enjoy this family friendly event.


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