The Confederate flag and other hate symbols will no longer be displayed or sold on any public property in New York state.

Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation prohibiting fire districts, volunteer fire departments, police departments, and school districts from selling or displaying the Confederate flag or any symbols of hate.

"The recent and disgusting rise in racist, homophobic, and hateful behavior will never be tolerated in New York," Governor Hochul said. "Symbols of hate have no use other than to spread ignorance and incite violence. As New Yorkers, we must remain united and actively fight to eradicate these attitudes, and this legislation bolsters those efforts. There is no reason for a symbol of hate to ever be on display, let alone by a police or fire department charged with protecting their community. With this law now signed, we aren't only doing away with this deplorable behavior, but also ensuring that every New Yorker, no matter their background or identity, feels welcome in their community."

Similar legislation was signed in 2020 that banned displaying symbols of hate or any similar image on state property. The new law now includes all public property too. It comes after a pair of incidents on Long Island last year. One where a Confederate flag was displayed on a firetruck during a parade. The other was a fire department in Nassau County that had a Confederate flag displayed in their window.

It's not just the Confederate flag that is banned either. It's all symbols of hate that include, symbols of White supremacy or neo-Nazi ideology.

The Confederate flag has been missing from the New York State Fair for years after vendors were asked to stop selling them. A protest was held at the Delaware Country Fair in 2017 to stop the sale there as well.

In 2019 a Confederate Railroad concert was canceled at the Ulster County Fair over opposition to the band's use of the Confederate flag.

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