Eddie Wright
6 People Who Apologized For Their Own Movie
On April 22, it was reported that Michael "I Make Things Go Boom" Bay, apologized to a reporter from The Miami Herald for the third act of his 1998 smash, 'Armageddon.' He said:
The Best J.J. Abrams Fan Art
From Friday, April 26, 2013 until Saturday, May 18th, the very awesome Gallery 1988 (West) is hosting The Official Bad Robot Art Experience, a gallery of artwork inspired by wunderkind producer/director/god of all things geek J.J. Abrams.
Creative Photographer Inserts Herself Into Famous Images
If you could travel back in time, would you snap a cell phone photo of the famous people you brushed shoulders with? In her latest series, Hungarian photographer Flora Borsi imagined what the world would be like if a time traveler could venture into the past and capture some of humankind's greatest, most iconic moments ever. But in this scenario, Borsi herself is the aforementioned time traveler.