Attorney General Awards Grant To Battle Oneonta Zombie Properties
Remember my beef about zombie properties in Oneonta last month? I have one of these abandoned houses across the street from my house (pictured above) and there are several that I frequently walk past. Call it crazy timing but it turns out that U.S. Attorney General Letitia James just last month announced that Oneonta will be one of many New York State communities to receive grant money to address these abandoned, unsightly properties that diminish surrounding property values and can be dangerous. Of the $9 million in grants awarded statewide, the City of Oneonta will receive $200,00 under the "Zombie 2.0" grant.
According to the Attorney General, "The funding from “Zombies 2.0” will provide 48 municipalities with the resources needed to address housing vacancy and blight. The grants will provide funds to municipalities to increase housing code enforcement, track and monitor vacant properties, and bolster legal enforcement capacity to ensure banks and mortgage companies comply with local and state law. "
This is exciting news for Oneonta which has been dealing with this issue for a while now.