2020-21 Amazing Oneonta Women Trailblazers Honored on July 14
Each year in the month of March, Oneonta's Commission on Community Relations and Human Rights, in honor of Women's History Month, hands out Trailblazer awards to two nominated women in the greater Oneonta community who have enhanced the visibility and importance of women through employment, volunteering, and community engagement.

As we all know, March of 2020 was when everything shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the awards ceremony could not take place. The winners were announced, but unfortunately, those trailblazers didn't get an in-person spotlight as they typically would.
The 2020 winners are former Oneonta Mayor, Kim Muller and Executive Director of the Susquehanna SPCA, Stacie Haynes. Those two, along with this year's winners, Oneonta Court Judge Lucy Bernier and Cathy Lynch (Oneonta High School teacher and S.A.D.D. Advisor) will be presented with their awards this Wednesday, July 14 at 6:30 pm. Originally, the awards were to be presented at Damaschke Field, home to the Oneonta Outlaws baseball team, just prior to their 7:00 pm game, however, we've been informed by the city that "due to the potential for bad weather, the Wednesday, July 14th City of Oneonta Trailblazer Awards Ceremony will be held in the City Hall lobby at 6:30 pm and light refreshments will be served."
Mayor Gary Herzig says, “Please join us in honoring four true Trailblazers, four women who have made a real difference in our community.”
The women who win each year's awards are chosen from nominations submitted by community members. Most likely, this will return next year in March when it typically occurs.
Congratulations to all the very deserving award winners from 2020 and this year as well!
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