There's nothing better than perusing a Craigslist page. Oneonta, while one of the smallest communities with a Craigslist page in the state, offers some hilarity, sadness and, of course, captivating oddities. Here's a list you're sure to enjoy:


From the creepy files comes this post, about dolls. I hate dolls. They terrify me. An ex-girlfriend's parents collected dolls and when I found this post, I thought maybe it was that family. Just look at them, staring at me, plotting their attack. And what's with Lazy-eye Susan?


4. Boys Toys

And behind door No. 3 comes this lovely prize, described only as "Boys Toys." This Craigslist poster has a whole tub of 'em, apparently. Are you willing to spend $50 to see what's inside?

Boys Toys

3. pumpkin head creature reacher huge costume

Halloween is just around the corner in six months. Perhaps you're already looking for that next great costume. But if that doesn't work for you, the Santa Gnome is for sale, too -- I think.

Scary costume

2. 35 foot utility pole

Oh, you were looking for a utility pole to, you know, put in your front yard. This person is selling one for $250. He bought it a while ago and didn't need it. So now it's rotting on the side of the road.

Utility pole

1. Tub

And for all you drug aficionados out there, how about this tub that may or may not have been used for illegal activity? What are those tubes? What is that bucket? Why is this tub just a tub? Unfortunately the sales pitch is almost as mysterious as the photo. It reads simply, "I have a tub."


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