Are you a bragger?  We all know that kids love to brag to feel better about themselves but aren't we supposed to grow out of that?  Apparently not, because adults are guilty of it too and it's typically about something dumb. came up with a list of  the Five Most Pointless Things People Like To Brag About:

5. How Good They Are at Eating Spicy Foods. People like to demonstrate their tolerance for pain.

4. How They Never Need a Jacket. These people like you to know that they are impervious to cold, especially the ones who wears shorts in the winter time outside.  In all reality, they are covering for the embarrassment of having decided that morning that they didn't need a jacket but now they are freezing.)

3. How Well They Function on No Sleep. Turns out, they really don't function well without sleep.

2. How Amazing They Are at Spotting Celebrities. They always tell you every celebrity they've ever seen.  Ask us if we care.

1. How Often They Need to Shave. Guys like you to know that they shave in the morning, and by the afternoon the whiskers have magically grown back. Apparently that proves how manly they are.  Not so much, just proves that they're hairy.

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